News ID: 3047
Publish Date : 30 July 2018 - 09:00

Clean Vehicle Production in Iran: Is It Possible?

The news about rising import tariffs of hybrid cars and commuting ban in low-emission zone (LEZ) was very frustrating. Nowadays, there are some news around producing domestic hybrid and electric cars, which is promising and shows that the statesmen and officials are thinking about environment.

Khodrocar – First, when hybrid vehicles offered, Iranian people were not enthusiastic about them and no one even risked buying them. However, after a while, with good branding and analyzing performance, people started to love these cars.
Some factors made these vehicles special. For example: Low emission, fuel consumption, depreciation and low maintenance costs, being able to commute in some special zones of LEZ and good prices.

Soon after that, government started a war with hybrids and banned their commute in LEZ. It also increased their import tariff. Meanwhile, specialized vehicle medias’ efforts made the situation a little better for these cars and government started to realize what these cars are. 

An Agreement that Was Inked Very Late
Yesterday, an agreement signed between education, research and technology sector of Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research and private sector in order to produce electric and hybrid cars. It a good-late agreement.

Hasan Karimi Sanjari, an automotive industry expert tells Khodrocar regarding this agreement: "It never too late. It is expected that between 30 to 35 percent of globally produced cars become hybrid and electric by the year 2030. Automakers are also planning on this and it is not too late if we start planning on it.”

Execution: Industry’s Weakness
This expert says about the potentials of designing and producing these cars: "Technical knowledge is separated from technological knowledge. We still don’t have technical knowledge to produce these cars.”

Karimi Sanjari continues: "Even the Chinese carmakers that are producing electric cars currently, are taking their first steps. Major automakers are helping these companies. We will need the presence, cooperation and participation of some research and automotive companies in the project for commercialization and mass production of the technical knowledge we possess. It is useless to starts from zero.”

Hybrid and Electric Car Production: Reality or Dream?
He explains: "There are two important factors to execute a plan successfully. First is converting technical knowledge into a competitive product and second is speed. Lack of these factor means we will lose the competition. Sometimes, we have the technology and technical knowledge to produce goods but we doesn’t have the speed to offer them in the right time. In this situation we must use the help of experienced partners. Chinese are good choices for this procedure.”

Khodrocar - However, for many experts, entering the technology of hybrid and electric cars on the brink of sanctions on Iran is a bit late but more important thing is the solid decision and support of government from this plan.

Khodrocar Reporter: Mostafa Anisi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh